Where do I find the PDF manuals?

We’ve moved over all the information you need to use Audio Imperia libraries over to

How do I upgrade from Nucleus Lite Edition to

Purchasing Nucleus Lite Edition qualifies you for a credit toward Nucleus (Full Version), if purchased

Do you offer EDU (educational) discounts?

We do indeed offer a 20% EDU discount for students and teachers. To apply for

Native Access Error Message: “Library p

Please follow the instructions on the Native Instruments support page, found HERE.

Why did I not get a Native Access serial numb

Libraries that are developed for Kontakt Full (open format libraries) do not require authorization via

What does DFD stand for?

DFD stands for Direct From Disk and is a technique for playing back large and

How To: Request and Decompress Manual Downloa

In the event that you do not want to use Continuata Connect, you can also

How to: Resolve freezing instance of Continua

If Continuata Connect freezes during the download process, you can reset the application by following

How to: Resolve “Missing Samples”

This happens when you unzip the tool kit and then move the folder to a

How to: Stay up to date and Sign up for our n

Please fill out this form and stay up to date: http://eepurl.com/daU4R1